Taku Ipukarea, Kia Rangatira

A safe and prosperous Cook Islands through excellence in Foreign Service and Immigration


Cook Islands High Commissioner to New Zealand
Her Excellency Mrs Elizabeth Wright-Koteka

Deputy High Commissioner
Ms Piakura Passfield

Corporate Services Officer
Ms Estelle Allan-Moetaua

Address: 56 Mulgrave Street, Pipitea, Wellington, 6011
Office email: admin@cookhicom.org.nz
Office phone:+64 04 472 5126

Link to our website – https://www.cookhicom.org.nz/

Cook Islands Consul General
Mr Keutekarakia Mataroa, Consul General

Executive Officer
Ms Tarita Puna

Address: Floor 3, 21 Putney Way, Parkview Tower, Manukau, Auckland 2104
Postal: Private Bag 94018, Auckland 2241
Office Email: admin@cookconsulate.org.nz
Office phone: +64 9 2610015

Cook Islands High Commissioner to Fiji
His Excellency Alan ‘Jim’ Armistead

Corporate Service Officer
Ms Candice Cornish

Address: 12 Ma’afu St, Suva, Suva, Fiji
Office email: CIHCadmin.suva@cookislands.gov.ck
Office phone: +679 331 0676